Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Music Writing Online

Music writing online is a topic that a lot of budding songwriters have asked me about. The questions I get are usually one of these:

1. Is there a way to do music writing online? I'd like an online service that lets me write then print music notation. And also access music I write from any computer and enable me to share my work with anyone and… :)

2. Is there a website where I can write beats and background tracks?

3. Also, is there a website where I can collaborate with other songwriters completely online?

Fortunately, there are more and more great online services that will help you do these online nowadays. I guess Noteflight is the best answer to the first question, JamStudio to the second and SongWritingFever to the third. It's worth checking out all of these sites though!

Noteflight - online music notation. You can write, print, share or even hear you music right in your browser. It's a great free service and there are also paid premium options for quite low prices.
Sheet Music Editor - it's a drag and drop sheet music editor. Your sheet music will end up looking less professional than in Noteflight (since you manually move the notes in Sheet Music Editor) but it's still a nice free service.
JamStudio - it's another free online service that let's you create music beats. You can write songs, backing tracks, karaoke songs, demos and even mix them.
SongWritingFever - another really interesting free service. You can write songs with other songwriters online. You may post your work (e.g. lyrics or music) and other songwriters will help you complete your song. It's a really interesting, innovative idea in my opinion!

Songwriting online is getting more and more popular even among those who "don't need it" because they live in a major music center. It's opened a lot of doors for everybody. This is new method is definitely something worth trying!

More on How To Write Music 

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