Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Co-Writing vs. Writing Songs On Your Own

Question by Ruben:

I've heard that if you want to become a professional songwriter, you should collaborate. I've read this on this website too. But I'm not a social person. I love writing songs but I'm not good at working in a team. Others' opinions only disrupt my thinking process and I get much less creative than alone.

Is it really impossible to make it on your own?


Hi Ruben,

No, it isn't impossible at all. I think your chances are higher if you team up with different other songwriters but if you work better by yourself, do it.

It's true that most songs at the top of the charts were written by more than one songwriter. However, these are just statistics. There are always exceptions and who says this exception shouldn't be you.

There are people who work much faster, more efficiently and creatively by themselves. If you're one of them, write songs on your own. There are/were several successful people who also prefer working this way: Adele, Einstein, Chopin, Steven Spielberg, J.K. Rowling and so on.

So don't worry if co-writing is not for you, it definitely doesn't exclude the possibility that you'll become an amazing and successful songwriter!

If you have doubts about making it on your own, I recommend a very interesting book that I've read: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. It's about being introverted in a world where extroversion is preferred everywhere. You'll be proud of wanting to work alone after the first few chapters :)

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