Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Songwriting Books

There is a countless number of songwriting books out there. It's difficult to choose which ones to read. You can find some reviews online but some of (or most of) them are written by the authors themselves or their friends (in my opinion).
I have read most books about this topic available on the market today. And I'll keep reading songwriting books. Just because I enjoy them. But some of these books are either written for idiots or the content was copied from another already successful book. At least sometimes it feels like that. This is why I decided to compile a list of those songwriting books for you that I found to be the best.

Shortcuts to Hit Songwriting
This book by Robin Frederick consists of "126 proven techniques for writing songs that sell". This is the best book for you if you want to write hits. If you don't care about being marketable, don't buy it. It covers everything from song structure, writing lyrics and melodies to hit chords. The only downside is that there is no digital version. The author said that she would like the readers to take notes on the margins, etc. and you can't do that with an ebook. I don't agree with that… at all...

Six Steps to Songwriting Success
This is another book that covers it all. It was written by Jason Blume. There is so much information in it that it'll take some time to digest it all. But it's written in a very down-to-earth style so it's easy to understand. There is also a lot of information about the music business, persistence and realistic expectations in this book.

The Craft and Business of Songwriting
Don't expect to carry this book around with you. It's huge and heavy. When I was reading it on the subway, the people sitting on my two sides had to make a little room for it when I opened it. But this much good information needs space. It covers similar topics to the previous books but somehow it's even longer. And the letters are small in it. What I'm trying to say is that the book by John Braheny is amazing but the quality of the printing isn't. I think there is a digital version sold somewhere. Get that one if you can.

This book was written by music industry professional Jay Frank. It has a very different approach compared to the three books above. It's not only about songwriting as a craft but also about the role and consumption of music in this digital age. You'll find out how the way people listen to music has changed - and what you should pay attention to when writing a song to accommodate this change. Jay Frank also says that currently there are more opportunities for making money from your music than ever. But you need to be aware of the "how". If you would like to write songs for the contemporary market, FutureHit.DNA is a MUST read!

Hack Your Hit
"Hack Your Hit: Free And Cheap Marketing Tips For Musicians" is another bestseller by Jay Frank. It's been written mainly for musicians but the marketing tips are invaluable for songwriters as well. The book contains 40 tips for musicians about making your music stand out in the digital age and how to become famous :) Similarly to FutureHit.DNA, this book also has a very modern and different approach. Even if you "only" write songs, you'll learn a lot from the music marketing tricks shared in it.

These are the very best songwriting books currently out there but I will expand this list when I find other great ones. If you have any recommendations, feel free to contact me!

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