Becoming successful as a lyricist can be tricky since nobody goes into a record store to buy lyrics. The best thing to do is to find a collaborator who writes music to your lyrics THEN try to market your finished song. But if you'd like to be judged based on your lyric writing talents only, I highly recommend these lyric contests below.
Beware of websites that claim that they will buy your lyrics, pay you royalties, make you rich in no time, etc. These are mostly scams. So be cautious!
Lyric Contests
To find out more details about the songwriting contests below, visit the Songwriting Contests page.
• You can send them your lyrics by mail or online.
• Submission fee is $30 per song ($25 for the third and additional songs).
• You can enter maximum 10 songs.
• You'll get a professional, written review for each of the entered songs.
• The prizes include cash, memberships, software and more.
• The judges are acknowledged songwriting professionals and experts, like John Braheny and Robin Frederick.
• International entrants are welcome.
• You can send them your lyrics by mail or online.
• Submission fee is $30 per song and $22 for additional songs (if your enter before July 15, after that, every song is $30).
• You may enter as many songs as your want.
• You don't get a song review.
• The prizes include cash, memberships, recording equipment and more.
• The judges change every year and there are always some famous musicians among them like Rihanna, Adele or Kelly Clarkson.
• International entrants are welcome.
• Established in 1984.

• You can send them your lyrics online.
• Submission fee is $12 per song.
• You don't get a song review.
• The prizes include a guitar, a microphone and the lyrics will be published in the American Songwriter magazine. There is also a yearly grand prize: a trip to Nashville for a co-writing session with a professional songwriter and a demo recording session.
• International entrants are welcome.
The U.S.A. Songwriting Competition
This annual contest also has a "Lyric Only" category.
• You can send them your lyrics by mail or online.
• Submission fee is $35 per song.
• You don't get a song review.
• The prizes include cash, merchandise and some services.
• The judges are industry professionals, like label publishers, producers, A&R people and more.
• International entrants are welcome.
The UK Songwriting Contest
This annual contest also has a "Lyric Only" category.
• You can send them your lyrics online.
• Submission fee is £15 per song.
• You don't get a song review.
• The prizes include cash, merchandise and some services.
• The judges industry professionals.
• International entrants are welcome.
More Songwriting Contests